
Annual Meeting

of Gesellschaft für interprofessionelle Gesundheitsversorgung (IP-Health) e.V. in Berlin.

Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen

We are delighted to invite you to our online annual meeting on the 5th of September 2020.

Though we do not meet live, this conference is interesting for you if:

  • you would like to contribute to improving interprofessional work in the healthcare sector in everyday practice;
  • you want to understand better why interprofessionalism is important and wish to derive important impulses for your daily work from it;
  • and if you want to exchange ideas with dedicated colleagues and spend an inspiring day.

We promise that every minute of your time will be worth it.

Programme for Saturday, 5th September 2020

11:00 Welcome and introduction
Dr Anna Laven, Berlin
  Lecture 1: Moments of success and obstacles in everyday work - what do interprofessional cooperation and "Labskaus" have in common?
Prof. Dr Lukas Nock, Frankfurt
11:30 Panel discussion 1
Moderation: Prof. Dr André Mihaljevic, Heidelberg
12:00 Lecture 2: Interprofessional cooperation in healthcare - let's go digital
Peter Makolla, Dorsten
12:30 Panel discussion 2
Moderation: Dr Anna Laven, Berlin
13:00 Break
15:00 Lecture 3: The significance of hierarchy and shifts in perspective for successful interprofessional cooperation
Prof. Dr Marion Huber, Winterthur
15:30 Panel discussion 3
Moderation: Birgit Wershofen, Munich
16:00 Awarding of the winners Interprofessional Cooperation and presentation of the projects
Ulrike Katzfey, Cologne
16:30 Summary and future steps
Prof. Dr Markus Melloh, Winterthur
17:00 Goodbye
Dr Anna Laven, Berlin

We are looking forward to your participation and fruitful discussions.

The event is free of charge for members. However, prior registration is necessary and can be sent by e-mail to, no order form necessary.

The participation fee for non-members is 39 € including VAT. You can use this opportunity to become an IP-Health Member and use the registration fee as a contribution to the IP-Health Membership 2020, which will be continued regularly from 2021. In this case, please also fill out the declaration of accession.

Kindly transfer the amount of 39 € to the account of IP-Health e.V:

  • Reference: "IP-Health Jahrestagung 2020" and your email address
  • Deutsche Apotheker - und Ärztebank, DE60 3006 0601 0005 3970 31, BIC 30060601

The payment will be considered your registration. After making the payment, you will receive the registration confirmation including an access code and the invoice. Please make sure to include your email address with your payment. Thank you!


We are looking forward to welcome you on the 5th of September! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at any time. Please send us an e-mail to


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Become a member of IP-HEALTH:

  • Are you looking for opportunities for interprofessional collaboration?
  • Do you want to design and adapt the existing therapy options for your patients together with your colleagues?
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